Christmas Time

Santa Claus And His Reindeer

Who is Santa Claus and His Reindeer?

Everyone knows that while Santa Claus is all about delivering gifts to the good boys and girls of the world, it is his reindeer that are making sure that this happens! Santa’s reindeer are the ones who pull the sled and fly from house to house on Christmas Eve. For many kids, the idea of flying reindeer is just as magical and impressive as Santa Claus himself. So, for fun, learn more about Santa Claus reindeer and impress your kids with all your knowledge!

Traditionally, there are eight reindeer: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen. Rudolph is the ninth reindeer, and then there is also Olive. So, why did Santa Claus name his reindeer these names? It is all about their personality.

Santa’s Reindeer: Meet the Team

  1. Dasher is the fastest in the herd for Santa Claus. He is great at sports, is happy, likes to be social, and doesn’t mind the cold — which is great since he does live at the North Pole.
  2. Dancer is you got it…loves to dance. He loves to dance salsa and is always having dance parties in the stable. The elves love him because he always invites them to his parities.
  3. Prancer is all about looking great, but still has a big heart. Prancer has a lot of energy…after all it takes a lot of energy to always look good. This is one reindeer that will never have a case of bed head.
  4. Vixen likes to play pranks on people and can actually make things disappear and reappear like a magician. He still loves working with Santa Claus and takes his job seriously.
  5. Comet is the right hand “man” to Santa Claus. He helps him check his list, and loves to see all the children to ensure they are acting as they should.
  6. Cupid is all about loving everyone, and wants everyone to love one another. Cupid is always trying to cheer people or reindeer up if they are ever sad.
  7. Donner loves to sing and that is great because he has a deep voice. He loves to sing jazz music most of all.
  8. Blitzen is fast and is known for zipping everywhere to get things done, so you better believe that he is always on time to wherever he needs to be.
  9. Rudolph is the guiding light for Santa Claus thanks to his red nose. While Rudolph is a little shy, he is always helpful and eager to learn anything new.
  10. Olive is quiet in the background as she is very insightful and intelligent but has a great sense of humor.

So, there you have it, all the reindeer that Santa Claus calls his team to deliver presents on Christmas Eve. Which reindeer does your kid love and do they share similar traits with the reindeer of their choice? Remember, reindeer shouldn’t be left out of the treats on Christmas Eve, so put a few carrots out or even some granola and the reindeer will greatly appreciate the snack!